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Story Monsters Approved!


I am very excited to announce that Museum Mayhem has been Story Monster approved!



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Museum Mayhem


Stormy Summers and her two friends Gabriella and Cassie thought it was going to be a field trip like any other. That was until the museum was robbed. Now the girls are on the case to discover who the thief is. Can they find out before the thief finds them?

I really liked these books. Okay, I'm not in middle school and I bought them for my grandkids but I wanted to read them first. I admit I'm a reader! I thought the Stormy Summers books (I bought both!) were great! The pacing was just right, the conflict was great, and I (a grandma!) was interested to find out what was going to happen next. Great job! My grandkids - 10 and 12 years old - really liked your books also. The illustrations really added to the book. 


-a very satisfied grandmother

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